Life is a journey.
Here are some of the significant parts of mine.
HPUminds is the name of a campus organization I formed
after being chosen as one of the
20 computer science and physics students to design and build a
self-driving golf cart under the advisement of Apple co-founder Steve "The Woz" Wozniak.
The total cost of labor and expenses
for this collaborative project is estimated at $126,000.
The Society of Physics
Students (SPS) is an international non-profit organization that funds college/university chapters for travel to conferences and acts as an
organizational template for those individual chapters.
Each chapter is responsible for fostering an inclusive and professional physics community and reporting to the National headquarters on a yearly basis.
The largest educational outreach event hosted at HPU every year brings in over 1000 children annually and is entirely co-coordinated by one physics faculty and two/three students. We fill nearly every room
of our science building with
hands-on astronomy-related demonstrations so that the kids
can be engaged and inspired in a safe, whimsical environment.
One-of-three on-campus a capella groups, The Offbeats is the only co-ed group performing regularly for both school-sponsored and community-sponsored events.
The Assistant Music Director is in charge of working with the Music Director to select and arrange pieces for the group to perform as well as teach the pieces to the members.
Article Features
Here are links to articles in which I've been featured for my role in projects or events.